*Please read Nina ma’am story first, only then will my story make sense.*
I was a witness to my mother’s struggle through her painful days when even taking a few steps was a huge task for her.
She believes that God gave her life, it definitely had to have a meaning. Despite the pain, she believed, there must be something hidden inside as a God’s gift.
This, stronger than steel will, drove her to ultimately solve her health problems.
About me. I was an avid fitness lover. Crazy passion for workout. From gymming to aerobics to kick-boxing. I tried everything. But nothing really got my interest forever. Until I found Iyengar Yoga at the age of 16 years in 2002.
I started practicing alongside my mother, watching her and learning from her actions. She will often correct my mistakes and make me better.
Once trapped, forever trapped!
I did Iyengar Yoga once, and that was it! I knew what I wanted. I found a whole unexplored space with limitless possibilities in front of me.
It just took me once to make up my mind. I was amazed at how brilliant the subject of Iyengar Yoga actually is. That superiority I was looking for all these years. I got it as a gift from my mother. By the blessing of the Lord, Guruji BKS Iyengar and Geetaji Iyengar.
The superiority is how the asanas are constructed with precise alignment with muscles, bones, mind & breath. This unlocks the full potential of ourselves. And let me tell you, asanas can be very intense sometimes.
I practiced daily and I saw amazing transformations take place physically, mentally, emotionally, confidence wise, psychologically. Everything started to become more clear and more and more free. In a few years I changed as a whole. I totally forgot who I used to be. For the good. The process took time, but every change was exciting, I was always waiting to experience the next.
Yoga is like being your own God. Recognizing the Lord within you. With crystal clarity. Unshakeable faith.
Flexibility, strength, stamina etc. etc. are true. And what more is the life it gives. The personality and the person transforms into a better person. There is always an asana for everyone, at every stage, at every level of practice. That is the Iyengar Yoga way. Yoga for everyone.
I changed, so can you. Like my mother, I teach Iyengar Yoga. I also learn at RIMYI, Pune regularly to learn under the seniors. I appeal to all the youngsters to give Iyengar Yoga a chance, and make your life brighter and superior.
Nobody needs to endure pain or any other problem at all. Never ever. Only if you adopt Iyengar Yoga in your life. It has everything you will ever need.
– Varun Sagar