
Chaturanga Dandasana

Improve your Back Posture with Chaturanga Dandasana at ASMYI

To be proactive and healthy in the long run, it is crucial to have a good posture and a strong core. This will ward off many diseases and illnesses. This is possible if you perform yoga poses on a regular basis. Notably, Chaturanga Dandasana or the low plank is the best to practice in this regard.

Here are the steps to perform Chaturanga Dandasana

  • Start with the normal plank position.
  • Next, make sure that your hands are straight and aligned to your shoulders.
  • Maintain the balance on your palms.
  • Next, shift your body forward and then bend your shoulders.
  • The bending of the shoulders should be into the body.
  • The shoulders should be in-line with the elbows.
  • Keep your neck straight and long for a few minutes.
  • Then relax your body and do repetitions.

Performing this pose under the supervision of an experienced yoga instructor at ASMYI would help you to make the most of Chaturanga Dandasana.

Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana Yoga

Here are the best Chaturanga Dandasana benefits that you can redeem if you keep doing it daily.

  • The Chaturanga Dandasana yoga pose helps to correct and improve the back posture. This way the body looks more structured.
  • It enhances your awareness of your body.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the arms, back, and wrists.
  • The Chaturanga Dandasana pose also strengthens your core, improves endurance, and improves stability.
  • The pose also helps in improving the arm’s balance. In addition, it also helps in lengthening the spinal cord.

Join us today

You can gain many more benefits with the Chaturanga Dandasana at ASMYI. Connect with us today and we will help you to achieve your fitness goal through this and several other yoga asanas. Our expert yoga gurus will enable you to learn the asanas the best way possible, thus contributing to your healthy lifestyle.