Yama | Niyama | Asana | Pranayama | Pratyahara | Dharana | Dhyana | Samadhi
#Watch’n’Do Pranayama course is a beginner’s program that can be done by practitioners of all levels. Students will learn Pranayama from the basic stages, building the foundations steadily and in the correct way. Learning this, they can have a proper daily Pranayama routine, safely and effectively. Anybody who is a beginner to yoga can begin his journey in this realm. The process and steps taken are keeping in mind the simplest of all.
“The mind is the king of the senses but the breath is the kind of the mind”
You will also be made aware of the negative effects of incorrect & immature Pranayama practise.
Pranayama has to be done with utmost care and discipline. Mistakes can create havoc with the mind and disturb the body functions. This creates the need to learn Pranayama methodically & practise responsibly.
Pranayama is a much more fine science and comes at a ‘higher’ stage than asanas. The judicious knowledge of asanas is the key to proper & functional Pranayama practise. What you will learn is developed keeping in mind this principle and its correlation with asanas.
“Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in present”
In the real sense, the more basic or closer to the roots your practise of asanas and Pranayama, the more ‘advanced’ you actually become. The so-called advanced practitioners are merely an indication of a few techniques one may be able to perform with ease, however the core within is the beating heart, that is established with classical, fundamental principles. No matter what your level of practice may be, the basics always will be ever-green, ever-true. That is classical Yog in the true sense.
ASMYI follows this principle. Each students’ progress is monitored by a process called ‘subjective assessment’. Teachers silently observe the students with a keen eye and provide the way ahead as they are ‘deemed’ ready. The process is non-judgemental, non comparative, non competing. Each one has their own path to follow, at their own pace. Hence, subjective.
Book well in advance within the admission period only. We do not accept admission after the last date. We do not accept walk-in admissions on course start date, as we have limited space and need time to assess each case before admission. We do not accept mid-term admissions as the course is conducted in a progressive manner where each next class is built on the previous. If you have missed the last day to enroll, you may attend any short term workshops we conduct from time to time to stay in touch with practice till the next batch opens