

Yoga helped me to recovered from slip disc and severe back pain

I had a slip disc and was suffering from severe back pain. The pain was causing immobility, I was not able to go up or down the stairs. Due to pain I was suffering from breathlessness and was causing mental stress.

The back pain was travelling down to the leg causing pain while walking. I had to stop dancing which was my passion and participate in other activities which I used to do. My social and personal life started getting affected.

Then I came to know about ASMYI iyengar yoga therapy centre. Here, I did asanas with the help of props and asana sequence was made to work on my spine alignment. Within three months of regular therapy session I was free of pain and could start my normal routine work.

Presently, I’m living a normal pain-free life.

Padmani Kumar

Yoga Therapy Program Healed My Painful Plight

In April 2022, I started facing several ailments in my body, like straight cervical spine, numbness/tingling in fingers, back pain and knee pain. A combination of all these pains was enough to send shivers down my spine, as I was rarely able to do something that required movement. My condition created stumbling block in carrying out my daily activities.

Instead of consuming medicines, I preferred opting for yoga to recuperate from my painful state and I am happy that I took this decision. I joined ASMYI where I underwent a complete yoga therapy program, which included varied important asanas. Regular practicing of all the instructed asanas worked like magic to help me recover from my pains.

Within a few days of starting on my yoga therapy, my initial tissues started healing. It is incredible how I regained my strength and bid adieu to all the aches that made me suffer a lot. Thanks to yoga, I am a fit guy yet again and all set to carry out all the daily activities without hassles.

Nakul Sharma

Yoga helped me to recover back pain and L4/L5 disc bulge

I had no knowledge about yoga & therapy effect of yoga, but now I do tell everyone who has any pain to join ASMYI to lead a pain free life.

Ram Kripal

Yoga helps me to get better and lead a normal life

I am thankful to my Guru Nina Sagar and Varun Sagar for showing me the right path and helping me get back to my normal self. They always encouraged me to do all asana and helped me to do where ever I needed the support. Though doctors could not recover PCL tear in my right leg but Yoga has given strength to the other muscles to hold my leg in shape and do normal work.

Ankur Yadav

How Yoga Changed My Life

I was suffering from pain in my abdominal area and it started growing with each day. After going through all the tests I was diagnosed with cysts in my body and kidney stones. Tried lot of medications (to avoid surgery) but was of no help except feeling less pain due to pain killers. To make it more worse I was further diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

In 2017 one of my friends suggested me to try Iyengar yoga and fortunately I found Asmyi Iyengar yoga center. I discussed my health issues in length with Asmyi Guru (Nina Sagar) and after listening to me very patiently they designed a therapy program for me.

Initially I was reluctant to do the asanas as I was still having abdominal pain but, something pushed me and I started with my classes. As my body was not ready to perform well I was made to do all these asanas with the help of props and with regular classes I started to gain confidence in myself and my body started showing results. Within 6 months cysts started softened and pain reduced. My test results showed the cysts had reduced in size and few were gone, with better blood circulation the irritable bowel syndrome reduce and I was feeling better. My body strength improved and was in much better shape.

Puneet Jindal

Regular Yoga Practice Helped me overcome My Back Pain

I am a college professor and my job requires me to travel long distances for lectures. I have also been a regular student of ASMYI now for quite some time. A few days back, I experienced an intense and unbearable back pain and faced problems in sitting for longer periods. As expected, the medical test reports diagnosed some incorrect tilt in my spine and back muscles.

The tilt was perhaps the prominent reason behind the pain I was going through while sitting, working, driving and performing basic other usual activities. I was not even able to practice yoga. Most probably, it had surfaced due to my hectic professional life. The pain posed a major setback to my daily routine and threw my professional career in the doldrums.

There was no respite until yoga came to my rescue from this dire situation. The helpful yoga instructors helped me with regular therapy sessions. They assisted me to adjust my spine by using several Iyengar yoga props. A combination of their efforts and my dedication ultimately paid off. Thankfully, the lost alignment in my basic postures got re-established. All these asanas needed complete support of the spine and back along with asymmetrical adjustments.

As the pain started rectifying with regular practice, I started feeling better and more aligned. I was back on my feet very soon. As of now, with the newly gained practical knowledge of how to keep my body in correct alignment while doing all asanas, I can practice them independently. My travelling stints for the lectures are now painless and I can sit for long hours as well.

Gurpreet Mehndiratta

Yoga helped me to transform my life into something I had never imagined

I was born with bow legs. Due to my impaired bone structure, I had to undergo many surgeries from a very early age. As a student, I used to stay away from any form of physical exercise, only in the fear of hurting and injuring myself.

I never took part in any sport, even if I had to workout only a little bit. At times, I think about how my fears and apprehension stopped me from experiencing the fun every other child used to have. Things have changed, and today I have come a long way. Often, I can’t believe that the same Swati can now perform a wide range of asanas.

I have become much stronger, as you can see how I can now bend down, albeit with some support. This is Uttanasana. Another asana I can do is the Prasarita Padottanasana.

Even though I am still using these wooden blocks as props for additional support, it is hard for me to stretch my legs open. But I’m certain to easily achieve this milestone with practice.

Going back to my journey, when I was 40 years old, I was suffering from excruciating pain in my bones and muscles. The fear of becoming immobile was crippling me when I came across ASMYI. I got the two best teachers, Varun Sir and Nina mam. They trained me to overcome my fear with the help of yoga. I use props like wooden blocks, chairs, and resistance bands.

The props help me to get the desired support and increase my flexibility. After spending considerable time, I can proudly say that yoga has helped me get rid of my fear and pain.

Swati Garg

Yoga classes have considerably improved my quality of life

I have been practicing yoga for a long time and so far it has been an amazing experience for me. Practicing yoga with Mrs. Nina ji is an experience I can never forget and am always going to cherish. She is highly professional. She has unique experience. And she always knows what she is doing. We practice asanas, kriyas, pranayams, meditation, mantras and more. She shares her wisdom, knowledge and enthusiasm joyously. Each class brims with challenges, kindness and positive energy. Nina ji genuinely loves and cares for each and every one of her learner.

My strength and flexibility have noticeably improved over the months ever since I have started taking yoga classes. I have slowly become less fearful of things in life that may have otherwise held me back. I have an erect body now and move around with confidence and for me this has been the biggest impact on my overall posture.

Learning to control my breathing with the techniques that she has taught me has changed the way I deal with everyday stressful situations and emotions.

I would love to thank Nina ji from the deepest of my heart for keeping me grounded, flexible, and for sharing her valuable skills and knowledge to help me take better care of my mind and body. I’m really grateful that I met her.

Sanjay Thapar

Got rid of my back pain after joining yoga classes

I was going through a hard time because of my severe back pain. After having tried many treatments, I joined Nina’s classes and within a month there was considerable relief. The discomfort and pain in my back decreased considerably.

Unfortunately, right now due to my busy schedule I have stopped taking yoga classes and sometimes end up having the back pain. Thankfully, I can always do the asanas that I learned during my yoga classes and they always bring me great relief and I am back in action immediately. It was a great experience working with Nina and I highly recommend her yoga classes.

Mridu Minocha

I got rid of my back pain after yoga classes

Just as it happens with any new discipline you begin to follow, I was skeptical when I started doing yoga. I have had a back injury and a long stint of physiotherapy hadn’t helped much. After trying out various avenues, I took up yoga classes under a highly trained and repeated instructor Smt. Nina Sagar who teaches B. K. Iyenger Yoga for various afflictions. A dedicated, disciplined and painstaking teacher, Nina Sagar helped me so much that these days I don’t need to take painkillers or visit a doctor on a regular basis ever since I have started attending her yoga classes. She allows me to use all the necessary props so that I can achieve all the necessary postures for maximum benefit of the asanas. The yoga asanas have also improved my posture, flexibility, energy levels and sleep pattern.

Having already experienced the difference the yoga classes made to my back pain, when I got pregnant I started special prenatal Yoga under her expert tutelage. Her tutoring helped me carry my pregnancy through till 38 weeks even when doctors had predicted a much earlier delivery. I’m especially appreciative of the effort she invested in me. I also value the care and dedication with which she teaches all her students, taking into consideration their needs in a very holistic manner.

Amrita Bhar