
Conquered Ankylosing Spondylitis – Namit Agarwal

Namaste! My name is Namit Agarwal, and I’ve had the privilege of being associated with ASMYI Center for over five years now. Upon joining the therapy batch to address my challenges with ankylosing spondylitis, I was met with personalized attention and guidance from the instructors. Through their meticulous instruction and provision of necessary props, I gradually witnessed significant improvements in my strength and overall well-being.

Subsequently, I transitioned into the Watch’n’Do class, where I continued to benefit immensely from the tailored approach and comprehensive techniques offered. Now, having progressed to the advanced class, I am astounded by the remarkable difference in my condition and the newfound energy I experience. Yoga has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of my daily routine, becoming an integral part of my life for which I am deeply grateful.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the entire ASMYI team for their unwavering support, expertise, and commitment to fostering positive transformation in the lives of individuals like myself.

With sincere appreciation,
Namit Agarwal